ECE 201: Introduction to Signal Analysis - Lab Assignments

Dept. Electrical and Computer Engineering


Zheng Wang (sections 201, and 202), Bhargabi Chakrabarti (sections 201, 202, and 205), and Joe Coffin (section 204)

Place and Time

Section 201: Thursday 2:30-4:30pm, ENGR 5358
Section 202: Monday 12:30-2:20pm, ENGR 5358
Section 204: Thursday 8:30-10:20am, ENGR 5358
Section 205: Wednesday 8:30-10:20am, ENGR 4457

Class Material

Lab Material

Material for the labs, including syllabus, lab assignments, and class notes are being maintained by the lab instructors on the respective Blackboard pages.
Cell Tower with Antennas